When I first moved here to Wisconsin, I was scared to death.
The one time where I felt that I didnt fit it was when I first moved up here from Memphis, Tennessee and I had no friends to talk to. I was a very shy person at first, so it was hard for me to branch out and try to gain new friends. It was by far the scariest time of my life. Now, I had moved around before prior to living in Memphis, but this time was different. I was at the age where kids were very mean and judgemental. I was so afraid that I wouldnt be accepted by any of these kids in my new school because I was different. The biggest thing was my accent. I talked with a hideous southern twang and kids at that age thought it was weird. I remember the first day at school one boy ran up to me and said I was weird because I talked funny. I remember going home that night and just crying to my mom, telling her that I never wanted to school again. I was so mad that we had to move away from all my other friends where I fit in. But the next day I came to school, many new people offered to be my friend. One girl even asked her friend to look out for me while she went on vacation! I thought that was very nice and I am still very very good friends with that girl today. I am very fortunate though, because I made a lot of friends.
So to say the least, Wisconsin really isn't that bad :)
Ending of Caucasia
16 years ago
I think that girl is me. wait. i KNOW that girl is me. :) i love this story. haha. i felt like such a mother when i said to steph ward. "Make sure you look out for her while i'm gone," and she did. Years later you went with me. im glad you moved here. and i liked your southern twang! :)
That would be really hard to move someplace where you dont know anyone and try to make friends. Also im pretty sure everyone pokes fun of how people say things, just like you making fun of me becasue say "sorry" funny.
I get how you feel. This is my 7th time moving and having to start over again. 1 of those times I moved out of the country. Being an American in England and coming to school was such a struggle for me. Peolpe making fun of the way I spoke and making fun of my nationality, it wasn't fun.
That's good that you made friends faster than you thought. And boys are just weird then anyways. I've only lived in McFarland. I have no clue what it's like to move somewhere and have to start all over again.
Good story lindsey! I know exactly how you felt when you moved to wisconsin, because I went through a lot of the same things when I moved here. Didn't have quite of an accent, but i still know what you mean!
Lindsey I know how you felt!
Not altogether or completely but in Middle School I was at a different school every year. And I remember coming to McFarland for the first time in 8th grade. We had study hall, gym, and math together! I remember that! You were so nice lol
I thought it was pretty easy transitioning to McFarland though, everyone was so accepting! =)
It's those kinds of things that make us stronger in the end, and now you have a lot of close friends here and so do I!
And southern twang is very attractive ;) haha
Hey, I agree with you. I hated moving so much. You must of had it so bad though. You had that accent! Ha! I feel you with the whole moving situation though.
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