Thursday, January 22, 2009


Being white has definetly been an advantage to me.

In our discussion in class, we talked about the 50 things white people can do with out being judged. I agree with most of them, but some of them are just a little too much.

When we talked about the bandaid, I never really thought about "flesh" colored bandaids being offensive towards people of colored skin. It was a really good discussion our class had and I agreed mostly with Andrew's comment. Like the Killing us Softly movie, I think that she went a little too far into this. Its like what Anthony said, "tires are black, so does that mean since they are always on the ground that it is something that we see as dirty and low?" Some of these things are just going too far.

I agree with everyone who says that flesh colored bandaids are offensive, but Im sure that wasnt the intension of the creators.


After viewing that video on Killing us Softly 3, I think a lot of us realized how bad women are pressured into fitting into what the media considers attractive.

My whole life, my family has told to not feel like I need to impress anyone, but on the other hand, media has taken over alot of what I do. It feels terrible knowing that I let complete strangers tell me how I need to dress, and I follow through with their ideas.

I also think its amazing how much change has gone into the way women are viewed as attractive. Before, it used to be that the more pale someone is the more elegant they are. Or in some places, the more you weigh, you are viewed as rich. Now, if your tan and skinny, you are beatiful.

It is really really sad about how much of an effect this culture has on us.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

F***, if this is what college is like, im not going!

If your not a fan of college lit, you will really like this post

I took this class to help me prepare for college, but am still learning what I did in 7th grade English class. Although I am not in college yet, I feel that I am not learning what I should to prepare me for college next year. I dont mean to be offensive at all towards Kunkle, hes a cool guy, but this class is kinda lame. Also, Im not saying this because of all the reading, Im actually a big fan of reading, but whats up with the choice of books that we read? I think Caucasia is actually the only good book we have read so far.

That brings me to FWJs. We have a lot of them.. and I think it would be best if we didnt waste paper and stick to open conversations in class. If people dont want to discuss in class, then thats their participation problem. I find that I say more out loud than I do on paper.

AND THEN theres the whole ADD factor the class has. It seems like we jump from topic to topic with out completely covering it, and try to get back to it at the end of class, but before we know it, class is over.

Once again, Im not trying to bash Mr. Kunkle, Im just speaking my mind and thats why we do these blogs right?