About three years ago, my Native American grandma invited my sister and I to stay with her for two weeks. We decided that it was a good idea, seeing as she spoils the crap out of us :). After a few days up there, she informed us that there was a tribal council meeting up on her old reservation. She asked if we wanted to go and we both agreed saying that it would be interesting. My sister and I are both about 1/8th Chippewa and we both have the brown hair, brown eyes, and high cheek bones. We thought that for sure we would fit in at this meeting. When we arrived at Minnihaha Falls, Minnesota, we got out of the car and saw a bunch of crazy legit indians running around. Since it was a traditional event, they were dressed in all of their indian apparell and celebrating the council meeting. There were old indians and young. The old tribal council leader was there to introduce the new, and much younger looking one. There were drums and music.. dancing. Basically all the things you think about with indians, minus the fighting was there. My sister and I felt completely out of place. We were the whitest people there, dressed in our street clothing.
When we walked into the main banquet hall, my grandma sat down to talk to an ancient looking woman who had to be in her 80s. After my sister and I got our food and sat down, our grandma introduced us to this old lady. My grandmother had been speaking to her in the Ojibwean language, and my sister and I couldnt understand completely what she was saying. My grandma turned to us and said, "She refuses to talk to you girls because you dont know the language.." We felt very unwanted at that point. My grandma's sister was there and she got a kick out of this old lady. She kept making jokes to us to make us feel better. After the ceremony went on we started to feel a little more comfortable and started enjoying our time there and learing about our heritage. I like that I am Native American and also all of the benefits that come along with it :).
Ending of Caucasia
16 years ago
I could not imagine going to something like the tribal meeting and feeling like a total outcast when your part indian too. Like you are a part of it, but yet they don't except you like the old woman because your not full indian. But that must have been a really cool experience and at the same time really weird because it is 2009. But I really liked your story and it was different because who could say that they've been to a tribal meeting.
I think its funny! haha Your grandma took you there, and i'm really glad you guys went! i bet it was a wonderful experience to get to feel like you were part of them until that lady was rude! but ohhh well! good blog reeen!
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